Tuesday 28 November 2017

11 reasons Brexit won’t happen

I don't know anyone who agrees with me so maybe I am in some sort of bubble but anyway, here are some reasons why I just don't believe Brexit will happen.

1. The Russians influenced the referendum so we’ll have to redo it

2. The Irish border is incompatible with Brexit so we’ll solve that by staying in the EU

3. The EU doesn’t want Brexit or want to encourage other countries to leave so won’t make it easy.

4. The Prime Minister doesn’t want Brexit so will find a way out if she can (see number 1).

5. The Queen doesn’t want Brexit (see hat).

6. People who voted for Brexit have now had months and months of being told how bad it will be, with "look we're doing Brexit like you wanted!" Enough will probably have changed their minds.

7. The referendum was not legally binding and was ‘advisory”

8. Brexiteers like Gove and Johnson lied on the side of a bus and actually want to make the country into a tax haven, so Brexit now isn’t exactly what the non-billionaire leave-voters thought they were voting for.

9. The Government is avoiding telling the truth about what Brexit means, and when the truth comes out (or the exposure of lies) there will be even more reasons for another referendum.

10. The current government is the best chance of Brexiting and they are doing so badly that it’s highly unlikely they will survive another election, which could happen any time with such a weak majority and unsupported leader. (see egg on face after last election to “strengthen majority for the best deal on Brexit). (Also see Jeremy Corbyn).

11. No-one expected Brexit to happen so there was never really a plan, meaning they are so unprepared for all the issues it is bringing up that they Literally Can’t Even. 
David Cameron promised a referendum to try and stop anti-EU Conservatives voting for UKIP thinking it was safe to do so as a) Conservatives wouldn’t get a majority and b) the Remain vote would win anyway. Oops.

There are more reasons but I was aiming for 10. If Brexit does happen, I will eat the Queen's hat. (I won't).

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